• My Inquiry


1. Camera Freezes at Any Task

Give it some time to react.Then turn the camera off. Let it set for five minutes before restarting.
Check to be sure that batteries are of the same kind and have sufficient energy and correct polarity.
Check to be sure that SD card has sufficient space and is fully functional.
Default and restart the camera.

2. Limited Night Time Range

If your nighttime range is less than expected, check your batteries and use a new set if necessary. Also you should check to be sure that your camera is in a good physical setup. If you aim the camera out over an open field with nothing to reflect the Infrared energy back towards the camera, the images will appear dark (like shining a flashlight into the night sky). The best night images will need a backdrop of some sort to reflect flashlight back toward the camera (trees, fence, hillside, building etc.).

3. Focus Problems

If your images appear cloudy or dirty, please first check the surface of the camera window. Clean the camera window, and avoid setting the camera towards windy/dusty area. You may wish to check your camera after a fresh snowfall or heavy rain, to make sure that the windows are not covered.

4. False Triggers

If you seem to be getting false triggers, please restore your camera back to Default setting and try it again. This will ensure that you are running with known settings – PIR sensitivity at NORMAL and Time-lapse OFF. False trigger may happen on sunny days when vegetation within the detection range soak up the sun’s energy and become warmer than the ambient air temperature. The camera will detect the movement of vegetation at a wind blow. Use careful placement to prevent such false triggers.

5. Memory Card Problems

If your camera won’t start up properly or displays “Card Is Locked”, first check to be sure that your card is not “Locked”. We recommend class 6 or above since some of the less expensive memory cards are very slow and do not always run well.

6. Battery Life Less than Expected

NiMH batteries have decreased life in hot weather. Daytime temperatures near 90° F/32° C will not damage your NiMH batteries but will increase their discharge rate. Additionally, you could adjust the following settings based on your need to achieve an optimized battery use: set PIR SENSITIVITY to Normal; set proper working time; take photos/videos of lower resolution and at lower frequency; take shorter videos; set maximum size for sending photos at a proper level, etc.

7. Photos Do Not Capture Subjects of Interest

Check the PIR SENSITIVITY. For warm weather conditions, set the level to “High”; for cold weathers, set the value at “Low”.
Avoid aiming the camera towards the sun or direct light source.
Avoid aiming the camera towards a heat source.
Avoid setting the camera up on small trees that are prone to be moved by strong winds.

8. What should I do if the camera can't find the network?

Check the antenna
Check the SIM card and replace the SIM card
Set APN manually on Service & support>>Setup page
If you still cannot receive a signal after completing the above steps, please contact us and provide the IMEI number of the relevant device;

9. What should I do if the camera has a signal but cannot send a picture?

Try changing the SD card, or changing the SIM card;
Set APN manually on Service & support>>Setup page
If you still cannot send the image after completing the above steps, please contact us and provide the IMEI number and log file of the relevant device



1. How to become a LinckEazi member
Click the gray crown icon on the navigation bar , or click "Upgrade to SVIP" and "Upgrade to VIP" on the ACCOUNT>Personal Information page, to jump to the membership benefits page and purchase the required membership.
Click the gray crown icon on the title bar/navigation bar of the homepage, or click "Upgrade to VIP" on the ACCOUNT>Personal Information page, to jump to the membership benefits page and purchase the required membership.
2. Benefits after becoming a member of LinckEazi
You can view all member benefits on the Member Benefits page.
3. Membership purchases and renewals
Purchase a membership:
You can view all member benefits on the Member Benefits page.
Renew your membership:
① Web: Find the SVIP/VIP validity period on the Account>>Personal Information page, then click “Renew”, you can renew the package in the renew pop-up box;
② APP: On the main page, click the your avatar, and you can find SVIP/VIP validity period on the Personal Information page, then click the “Renew” to jump to the renewal page to renew your package;


4. How to purchase a camera package and renew a camera package.
Purchase a package:
① A pop-up box to purchase a camera package will be displayed when adding the camera, follow the prompts to purchase a package;
② Without purchasing a package when adding the camera, you can also click “Choose a plan” under the camera picture on the home page, or click “Choose a plan” on the Account>>Order info page, to purchase a plan in the pop-up box;
Renewal package:
① 1 month before and within 7 days after the expiration of the camera package, the “Renew” button will be displayed under the camera picture on the home page. Click “Renew” to renew the package in the pop-up box;
② 1 month before and within 7 days after the expiration of the camera package, the “Renew” button will be displayed on the Account>>Order Info page. Click “Renew” to renew the package in the pop-up box;
5. How to transfer package and refunds
Transfer package:
The returned camera with unused package can be transferred out. Open Account>>Order page, and find the package order you want to transfer out, then click “Transfer package” button behind the order, jump to the transfer package page, follow the prompts to select the camera you want to transfer into the package, then click submit to complete the transfer package operation.If there is no transferred camera, the transfer package operation is able to be completed
The returned camera with unused package can be refunded. Open Account>>Order page, and find the package order you want to refund, then click “Refund” button behind the order, jump to the refund page, and follow the prompts for refund.
Packages that have already been transferred once cannot be transferred out again and refunded.


6. How to modify password?
① Click "Forget Password", then follow instructions to proceed.
② Visit www.linckeazi.com and click on "ACCOUNT". Then click on "Modify" next to "Login Password", and follow instructions to proceed.
7. Change the registered email address
It is not possible to modify the registered email address yet, but you can delete the current account and create an account with a new registered email address
8. How to cancel my account
Click Account>>Delete Your Account, and follow the prompts to delete the account
9. No verification code received
Please check your spam, junk or blacklist as sometimes emails may be blocked.

Camera and picture management

10. When you add a camera, the camera has already been added.
Contact the vendor to remove the camera
11. How to batch delete photos without favorites
Click SUPERVIEW>>Batch Operation, select the photos you want to delete, and check the box Keep favorite, and then click the Delete button. The collected photos will not be deleted
12. How to get pictures, get original pictures and get videos
Get Picture:
① Web side, click for the picture icon on the home page, view the prompt in the pop-up box, click OK, and wait for a new photo;
② APP, Click for the picture icon on the home page, view the prompt in the pop-up box, click OK, and wait for a new photo;
Get original pictures/original video:
Click on a thumbnail image on the home page/image page, then click the the icon (the icon on the APP is ), view the prompts in the pop-up box, click OK, and wait for the original image/original video.
13. How to correct the time
Click “SETTINGS”, and then turn on “Time Calibration”, set Time Zone, and check Summer Time if necessary
14. What information can be provided when contacting us to help you find your problem more quickly.
Provide the IMEI number and log file of the device and your contact information.

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